Environment First Printing is on the vanguard of bio-based printing for desktop laser printers. We believe in a better, cleaner, and more sustainable way to print, without oil. Our overall mission is to reduce the use of foreign oil, increase the use of renewable resources, and improve the environment we leave to our next generation.
Put the Environment First. Everyday.
Environment First Printing
We don't talk about printers all day. Really.
We are Sportsmen. We are moms, dads and friends. We work hard, we play hard and we love what we do.
After many years of working in biotechnology, our founder decided to open his own shop to work with clients from all industries. After many years of working with customers, providing the best customer service, he knew he could bring value to clients all over the United States. So, with no customers and plenty of prospects our leadership team went out to conquer the industry with superior customer service and reliable service.
At EFP, our team is dedicated to making your experience so good you have to tell someone else. We are not bashful about letting you know we need referrals, we count on them. With millions of offices printing with oil based toner, we know at least 10 percent would switch over if they knew about us. So, along with our robust marketing and sales team, we turn to you. We turn to our advertising agency of record, our best selling sales rep, our employee of the month... our current customer.
Our environment should come first. We all enjoy the park, our vegetables, our clean air.... why would we use oil to print if we don't have to? On average, toner cartrridges use three liters of foreign oil to print a full cartridge....This is Crazy!! Try one of our EFP bio toners and use soybean oil in the place of your current OEM toner. You will never turn back, guaranteed.
Often times companies have ground breaking technology and weak customer lists, this is not true to EFP. We have clients from Fortune 500 companies, large universities, and government entities. This is the power of EFP Bio-Toner, anyone with a printer can take advantage of oil savings as well as cost savings.